Music director Aadesh Shrivastava has plans to make an anti-terrorism album with international singers like Justin Timberlake and Rihanna.

After the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai, Aadesh is still reeling with anger and agony over loss of innocent lives. To vent out his angst in creative way, the music composer is working on an album with anti-terrorism theme. The album will feature Justin Timberlake, sensational R&B singer Rihanna, Indian violinist Kala Ramanathan and Ustad Rashid Khan.

Aadesh has already recorded with Ustad Rashid Khan and Kala Ramanathan. Justin and Rihanna have also given their confirmation.

For Aadesh to make this album was an instant calling. He had other musical plans for himself – an album about the four seasons of the year. But shocked by the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, Aadesh dropped that idea and began working on a global album with strong message against terrorism.

“The time to sing bhajans and qawwallis evoking Allah and Ishwar to bring peace to earth is over. Such silent pleas won`t work any more,” Aadesh told a news agency.

Aadesh also makes it clear that there won’t be any references to any gods or any religion in the album.